Advanced Tech Stack
Built with Vite 6 + Vue 3 + TypeScript + Element Plus 2.x + Vuex 4, equipped with Husky + lint-staged for code standardization, and Vitest for unit testing
Easy, lightweight, out-of-the-box for small projects.
Built with Vite 6 + Vue 3 + TypeScript + Element Plus 2.x + Vuex 4, equipped with Husky + lint-staged for code standardization, and Vitest for unit testing
Built-in i18n internationalization solution, supports route-level language switching, freely extensible language configuration files
Uses modules directory structure, achieving decoupling of page components, route components, and style files, includes complete business process examples for login, list, and detail pages
Built-in global $ModalDialog plugin, supports Service-style calls to display any component, offering flexible component invocation solutions
Integrated route authentication solution, working with Nprogress for smooth page transitions, easy to extend and customize
Built-in ESLint and Stylelint configurations, encapsulated practical Axios request library, IconFont component support for quick icon integration